Live streaming here is new and something I m trying out. As the weather in the UK is not optimal for Astronomy, live streaming will likely only be occasional. However, when the telescope is running and imaging, I aim to stream the live capture of images.
To start with and because this is new, live streaming will be limited to streaming the live capture of images. However, as this develops, I hope to also start streaming live video from the scope and
perhaps images showing the part of the sky the telescope is pointing at - a wide field view.
Another aim of the live stream will be to stream any astronomical events which may include live video/images of our Moon (if its clear but the moon is much too bright to be imaging anything else), our plants, comets, and anything else that's of interest and possible to see through the telescope.
Another possibility suggested by a friend is the live streaming of SIDs (sudden ionosphere disturbances). The idea perhaps being to display the live ionospheric readings from my location.
In the coming months I also aim to setup a radio meteor detector, this will detect the radio reflections from meteors entering our atmosphere south of my location. Again, the reading from this can be streamed lives when there is a meteor shower.
When possible and when there is a specifc astronomical event, a live stream from the telescope will be avialable. Typcially during major meteor showers the I will broadcast a live stream from my radio meteor detector. At other times, you may be able to observe image capture from the telescope as it happens.
See the calendar below for details of the next live streaming event.